On October 6th, OutFront Action announced endorsement of Angie Craig for Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District. OutFront Action is the state’s leading organization in building equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Minnesotans. If elected, Angie will be the first openly lesbian Congressperson elected from Minnesota. 

“We’re excited to throw our support behind Angie Craig,” said Monica Meyer, OutFront Executive Director. “We’re excited to send someone to the Capitol who is going to champion LGBTQ equity and progressive policies, especially addressing the huge disparities in opportunity for LGBTQ youth and transgender Minnesotans.” Meyer’s noted Angie Craig’s history of opening healthcare access for transgender employees during her time at St. Jude Medical, a current policy priority of OutFront Action’s advocacy arm for the state of Minnesota. 

“As a member of the LGBTQ community, growing up in the south, I’ve seen just how vile and insidious workplace and housing discrimination can be in all their forms,” said Angie Craig. “And now that the marriage struggle is over, we must turn our attention to protecting the LGBTQ community from discrimination in the workplace, housing and all other aspects of civic life. I will also support the Student Non-Discrimination Act to ensure that LGBTQ students attend school in a safe and supportive learning environment; while also supporting additional resources for homeless youth.”