Legislative Tracker

Our 2024 Legislative Priorities

Uniform Parentage Act

Updating Minnesota’s parenting laws; addressing gaps for LGBTQ+ parents.

Gender-Affirming Rights Insurance

All healthcare plans must cover gender-affirming care.


LGBTQ+ Ecosystem Appropriation

Push for community support and investments for areas such as: 
  • Statewide assessment funding: what is the state of the LGTBQ+ community and where are funds needed?
  • Support to LGBTQ+ serving orgs to address those responding to the Trans Refuge Bill
  • LGBTQ+ housing navigation & support funding

Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, which includes expansive reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights and protections with an eventual 2026 ballot initiative.

Contact Us

Karlton Laster

Director of Policy


Matthew Lewellyn-Otten

Interim Director of Organizing
he/him or they/them


Lobby Day 2024

Lobby Day 2024

Advocacy Skills 101

Minnesota is a national leader in voter turnout. Because of that, we have had some great legislative wins to make our state a more welcoming and affirming place for 2SLGBTQIA+ people. We want to keep that momentum going—the best way we can do this is by engaging in elections!

When to register to vote:

  • When you turn 18
  • When your name changes
  • When you change addresses
  • When you move to the state

In order to register to vote:

You must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day (16- & 17-year-olds can preregister)
  • A resident of Minnesota for 20 days (proof of residency)
  • Not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction
  • Not under a court order that revokes your right to vote

You will need:

  • Your Minnesota driver’s license or Minnesota identification card number, or the last four numbers of your Social Security number
  • An email address (to register online)
  • To be eligible to vote in Minnesota

Preregister to Vote

Preregistering to vote ensures that you are registered to vote as soon as you turn 18 year old! Going through this simple process will allow you to let your voice be heard as soon as you turn 18. You will automatically be added to the voter registration list and be able to cast a ballot.

You'll also receive important information regarding upcoming elections from OutFront Minnesota—including great resources and information about what is happening in YOUR district.

Additional Voter Resources


To request an absentee ballot for 2024 elections, use the online absentee application, or the downloadable application below.

Visit the Minnesota Secretary of State's website for full election day and voting resources.



As a voter in Minnesota, you have many rights—get to know them!


To vote by mail, apply to have an absentee ballot mailed to you. You do not need to be registered to apply.

You can vote early with an absentee ballot at your local elections office. Some cities and towns also offer in-person absentee voting. If you are not registered, you can do so in person if you show proof of residence.

Storytelling For Change

We know when people share their own stories it has the power to change hearts and minds. Stories connect us in meaningful ways, make us feel less alone in the world, and build a greater understanding of others. This is especially true for Minnesota’s LGBTQ+ community. 

Telling our stories in a society that silences queer voices is an act of survival and defiance. Our stories are powerful tools that help us create systemic change in the world.

In 2013, Minnesota was the first state to pass marriage equality by way of ballot – a feat that only happened through powerful storytelling. Our fight for queer equity is not over and our need for queer stories is still necessary. 

Your stories are powerful tools in helping all of Minnesota become a state where queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment, or discrimination.

Stories For Action

We launched Storytelling for Change with four LGBTQ+ Minnesotans working to change hearts and minds. 

OutFront is honored to have Dylan Kaercher, Nikki Graf, John, and Rev. Jia Starr Brown share their stories of faith, policy change, advocacy, and joy. 


Nikki: Fighting for Family



Nikki Graf has been fighting to pass Logan's Law, which would remove barriers for same-sex couples when starting a family in Minnesota.  


John: Reframing Disability and the Queer Community


John is one of the nearly 600,000 Minnesotans living with a disability. He is one of the estimated 210,000 LGBTQ+ people in the state. The intersection of those two identities make John one of the estimated 3 to 5 million LGBTQ+ people living with a disability in the U.S.


Roxi Manacoochi: A Star on the Stage and in the Pew


Whether at the fair or in the pew, Dylan Kearcher’s presence is one you won’t miss. You might catch his infectious laugh from across the room or connect with the sheer confidence that oozes out of him. If you’re lucky, you’ll witness Dylan doing what makes him feel most alive — performing as Roxi Manacoochi.




Rev. Jia Starr Brown knows who she is, what she loves, and what she needs to share with the world. She is captivating and intentional with her messages, and when she speaks, those around her believe what she is sharing. But, when it comes to her own life this wasn’t always the case.

Religious Organizing in Minnesota

OutFront Minnesota works with faith organizations and congregations around the state to bring them along in the advocacy and inclusion of queer people in all faith practices. Clergy and people of faith are uniquely positioned to change the hearts and minds of decision-makers and citizen across our state and beyond. This happens through showing up at pivotal moments, speaking truth to power, and sharing our stories.

Schedule a Training


This queer theology training gives you the opportunity to explore the theologies undergirding “clobber passages” while also building a new theological framework that allows us to build a theology that welcomes and affirms all people. You will receive notes on best practices for weaving this theology into your congregational life.


The Bible has been used as a means for excluding queer people from the Christian church for ages. In this training we will examine those difficult passages, find new ways of interpretation, explore what scholars have to say about the Bible, and walk away with a new understanding of how we might interpret these hard-to-read passages.


This training covers general terms relating to gender and sexuality, respecting pronouns, and steps you can take as a congregation to be a better ally. We will ground much of our learnings in theological tenets, reflect on our own experiences of gender, and discuss best practices in being a welcoming and affirming congregation.


Our Allyship Training dives deeper into how your congregation can be in closer relationship with the LGBTQIA2S+ community and best practices in allyship. We will also walk through an assessment of your congregation, reflecting on the ways you welcome queer folk and steps you might take as a congregation to welcome more widely.

Connect with Us

Matthew Lewellyn-Otten

Associate Director of Religious Organizing
he/him or they/them


Queer Leaders of Faith Network

OutFront Minnesota’s Queer Leaders of Faith Network provides support to faith leaders across the state of Minnesota through opportunities to connect over a meal, to equipping congregational leaders with updated policy and organizing news, and call leaders to action for 2SLGBTQIA+ equality. 

If you’d like to join this network of leaders please reach out to Matt Lewellyn-Otten, Associate Director of Religious Organizing (matt@outfront.org).


Pastoral Care Network

If you are in need of pastoral care and would like to speak with a 2SLGBTQIA+ affirming faith leaders, please reach out. We have a network of faithful leaders who would be willing to speak with you. Please reach out to Matt Lewellyn-Otten, Associate Director of Religious Organizing (matt@outfront.org).

Rights, Faith & Democracy Collaborative: Spotlight on Minnesota

RFDC Minnesota Spotlight

Support for OutFront Minnesota's religious organizing work comes from the Rights, Faith & Democracy Collaborative, a Proteus Fund Initiative.

Welcoming Spaces


All Gods Children



Anoka UCC (First Congregational)

United Church of Christ

Northeast MN

Ascension Episcopal Church, Stillwater


Southwest MN

Austin Congregational UCC

"We know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of who we are. We find grace in the search for understanding and in the questioning rather than in the absolutes. We work for peace and justice among all people. We strive to protect and restore the integrity of our earth; and commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion and love. "


Beth Jacob Congregation



Bloom Church


Calvary Lutheran Church


South Central MN

Centenary UMC

Centenary lives out the gospel through acts of compassion, feeding the neighborhood most every day, and justice, as we work for full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons.


Centenial Methodist

"Centennial United Methodist Church has a place for you. We believe God welcomes all people. We value diversity and recognize the sacred worth of each person, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, economic means, marital status, education, or faith story. With open hearts and minds, Centennial United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation. Centennial United Methodist Church offers traditional worship services at our Roseville campus and contemporary worship at our Saint Anthony Park campus."


Chain of Lakes Church

"Chain of Lakes is an active, friendly community in the north metro where people of all races, abilities, sexual orientation and ages grow and share in their faith with all God’s people to impact the world. This church embraces female and male leadership, supports youth and family events and activities, celebrates varied music opportunities for all ages, and works to end youth homelessness in Anoka county.

If you are looking for a group of people who will accept you and a church who will do whatever is possible to help you in your faith life, come visit!"


Cherokee Park UMC

We are community church that mostly draws neighbors from the west side of St. Paul, but we have members from all around the twin cities metro area. We are proud of our history of and ongoing commitment to anti-racism, progressive Christianity, the full affirmation and dignity of LGBTQ+ folks, and environmental justice.

Southwest MN

Christ UMC

Christ UMC is progressive in our theology. As a Wesleyan movement we are a people who seek to explore scripture, tradition, reason and experience as we bring our faith to life. As followers of Jesus, we celebrate learning about life and faith in the company of others who seek wholeness, healing, and breath. With open hearts, open minds and open doors, we welcome people of all races, nationalities, theologies and abilities. We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We offer a safe and compassionate place to reconcile faith, identity, hope, understanding and mutual respect.


Clark Memorial UCC

United Church of Christ


Clouds in Water Zen Center

Clouds in Water is vibrant urban community in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition dedicated to awakening the heart of great wisdom and compassion. We welcome people of all backgrounds, identities and faiths. We actively seek to interrupt systemic oppression and practice joy and interconnection.

Central MN

Common Ground

Common Ground is a profoundly welcoming and socially active congregation situated near downtown Cambridge Minnesota. If you attend one of our eclectic worship services, expect to experience a variety of music, an atmosphere of care and community, and sometimes even origami during the sermon. As part of our vision that Everyone Counts, we live out the reality that LGBTQ+ people are not only included, but are critical members of the body of Christ.

Northeast MN

Community Presbyterian Church

You will find people from many backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives in the congregation of Community Pres. What we have in common is that we are all seeking to live out the teachings of Jesus. We are a community built on mutual love and respect for one another. We seek to care for one another and extend our care to the larger Grand Rapids community. We are an open and affirming ally to our LGBTQIA+ siblings. We acknowledge the many beautiful and diverse gifts and talents people are given by God. Together, we form a more complete image of who God is.


Eden Prairie United Methodist

Our congregation includes people of all age ranges from babies to senior citizens. We have single people, families and an active youth, Sunday School and nursery program. We fly a rainbow flag at our door to tell our LGBTQ+ siblings, their families, friends and allies that they are welcome to join us for events or to become members of our Church. We welcomed people of all sexual orientations. Contact the church website or office for information on where we are in response to CoVid at this time. You can watch our services online at our website, Prairie Church.org., Sundays live at 10:00. A recording of past services is available throughout the week.


Edina Morningside Community Church

We are led by and fully include queer people in all aspects of community life. We've voted on formal statements of affirmation, and regularly welcome LGBTQ+ people as guests and members in worship.


Epworth UMC



Faith UMC

Faith United Methodist Church is a welcoming, safe place for ALL to come as they are. We invite you to discover and deepen your relationship with God, connect with others in friendship and personal growth, and make a difference by reaching out to neighbors, here and around the world.

Southeast MN

First Congregational Church of Winona

United Church of Christ

Northeast MN

First Congregational Church, Grand Marais

First Congregational United Church of Christ is an open, inclusive church that exists to worship God and practice the gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome all people of goodwill who seek to share the love of God and honor the diversity of creation in a spirit of tolerance and flexibility.


First Congregational UCC

We are progressive Christian community that gathers to listen, speak and act in a spirit of compassion, justice and stewardship. In 1987, we were the first United Church of Christ congregation in Minnesota to fully affirm queer folks. Wherever you are on your journey of life and faith, you are welcome!

Northeast MN

First Congregational UCC, Brainerd

United Church of Christ

South Central MN

First Lutheran Church

We are a congregation that worships, prays, learns, and serves together. Our Welcoming Statement is included every Sunday in our worship bulletin and that statement includes welcoming LGBTQIA+ people. In the past, we have had interns serve our congregation as part of their training to become a pastor. Of the four interns we have had, 3 identified as queer. We are the only congregation in the Southwestern Minnesota Synod that is a Reconciling in Christ congregation.

Southeast MN

First Unitarian Universalist Church, Rochester

Bringing our values to life is a core part of our congregation’s mission and vision. We seek not only personal transformation but also a transformation of the world around us, with our foundation being the worth and dignity of every person and the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.


Friends Meeting



Gloria Dei Lutheran


Northeast MN

Gloria Dei Lutheran, Duluth


Southeast MN

Gloria Dei Lutheran, Rochester

We believe the invitation of Jesus was radical and all-inclusive, and we want to be the kind of community that says and does the things Jesus did. In this faith community, our welcome is wide open.


Grace Trinity Church

Presbyterian & Baptist


Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church

We are a theologically progressive congregation that affirms that all persons are created in the holy image of God and are God's beloved children.


Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church

We believe that god’s grace is offered to all, and we will strive to be lavishly generous when it comes to inclusion.


Lake Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists

Lake Fellowship is an open-minded, open-hearted spiritual community located in a small A-frame building tucked into the woods in Shorewood, Minnesota. Our Sunday programs are an eclectic mixture of spirituality, philosophy, politics, social issues, and music, presented by outside speakers and Fellowship members. An important part of our meetings is the often spirited and open discussion of program topics. We meet in person and virtually at 10:30am Sundays from the week after Labor Day to the week before Memorial Day.


Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church

In Christ, God embraces the whole world in love. Without exception, we all belong to God and we all belong to each other. We forget this all the time. Church is the people who practice remembering our shared belonging, and living in love instead of fear.


Living Table UCC

Living Table is a community of people who are on a spiritual journey. We seek to follow the radical teachings of Jesus that focus on liberation and justice for all peoples. We have a diversity of perspectives on who Jesus is and was, but we are committed to embodying the love he taught, love of neighbor and self that is unconditional.


Minnehaha UMC

We are a vibrant community in south Minneapolis that is fully inclusive of LGBTQ persons, working toward racial justice, and involved in many social justice programs in our community.


Minnetonka United Methodist Church

Minnetonka United Methodist Church is a vibrant, growing congregation passionately committed to the full inclusion of all God’s children in its mission and ministry, and to justice, equality and full civil rights for all persons without regard to race, religion, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.


Mizpah UCC

United Church of Christ


Mount Zion Temple

We are an inclusive congregation where single adult, interfaith, and LGBTQ households as well as one-parent and adoptive families can find a home. Our services are musical and spiritual. Our programs and learning opportunities cover a broad range of interests and activities.


New Brighton UCC


New City Church

United Methodist


New Spirit UCC

“Faith is a journey, not a destination.” We live that perspective. As an Open & Affirming congregation, we welcome people and families of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We are a warm and supportive community that does its best to reach out to the community and the world, to be God’s people in the way of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to join us in prayer and worship, loving and serving, and working for justice and peace.

Southeast MN

Northfield UCC

United Church of Christ

Southeast MN

Northfield UMC

Having voted overwhelmingly in support of a welcoming statement in 2019, we affirm LGBTQIA+ individuals and families fully in the life of the church and live into that affirmation by hosting an adult trans support group and engaging in periodic adult education on LGBTQIA+ relevant topics as well as advocating for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in our denomination. We are a service and justice-oriented congregation with worship led at times by a band at at time by an organ. A Wednesday evening community meals ministry is a key secondary touchpoint for our families as an afterschool ministry with elementary students precedes it and Middle School / High School youth group follows.

Central MN

Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Small, lay led congregation spread out about 60 miles. We have been explicitly welcoming to LGBTQ+ people for decades, and support and attend gay pride events. We have provided gay positive materials to local schools.


Our Saviours


Southeast MN

Peace UCC

United Church of Christ

Northeast MN

Peace UCC, Duluth

United Church of Christ

Southeast MN

People of Hope

Lutheran (ELCA)


Richfield United Methodist Church

Active social justice/progressive congregation; organizing to become more identified with our own neighborhood; quality music program;


Robbinsdale UCC

United Church of Christ


Spirit in the House Presbyterian



Spirit of Hope United Methodist Church

We are called by God to be a radically inclusive, caring community of faith – offering personal and social transformation though Jesus Christ. We are a reconciling congregation welcoming people of all sexual orientations. We welcome LGBTQI persons in our leadership and in our membership. We will not be the church that claims to follow Jesus and then crucify our GLBTQI sisters and brothers and all who would love and welcome them.


St Paul's United Church of Christ

St. Paul’s is a progressive, Open and Affirming, Creation Justice congregation journeying together to deepen our faith, seek justice for all, and share God’s unconditional love with the world. We are committed to extravagant welcome, engaging worship, dynamic faith formation programming, and robust opportunities to serve the community and world.


St. Anthony Park United

United Church of Christ

South Central MN

St. Martin’s Episcopal

In the late 1990s this rural Southern Minnesota congregation took the bold step of hiring an openly gay priest. A few people left but most of the long term members stayed. LGBTQ+ folk in this area are fairly discreet in the general community even to this day. I know of no public group gatherings of LGBTQ+ folk in Martin county. That priest gathered what was at first a separate worshiping community but then they integrated themselves into the Sunday morning congregation. Since then they have been outstanding leaders and recognized for that. Later some transgender folk joined us. We are now very reduced in numbers, being about 15 people on Sunday at 10 am with a hybrid worship including Zoom and in person. We'd be honored to have you join us.

Northeast MN

St. Mary’s Episcopal



St. Michael’s Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran


St. Paul Park UCC

United Church of Christ


St. Paul Reformation



St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

Drawing equally on Scripture, Tradition, and Reason as the basis of our theology, the Episcopal Church is one of the most welcoming and affirming of all Christian denominations. We are delighted that our members hail from all faith backgrounds and walks of life and bring with them a diverse range of theological ideas, finding common ground in the community of the Episcopal Church.


Temple Israel

Jewish Reform


The Grove UMC

A fully affirming United Methodist Church that encourages people to grow goodness in the world.


The Table

The Table MPLS is a community that practices the ways of Jesus, making space for all to belong and be loved. We meet Sundays at 5pm, and welcome all people—the super-spiritual and the skeptic—to worship with us. Each week we sing modern worship songs, hear a message, pray the Lord’s Prayer, take gluten-free communion together, and close with our community benediction: “No matter who you are or what you’ve done, who you love or what you’ve lost, where you’ve gone or where you’ve stayed, there will always be a seat for you at the Table because you are a beloved child of God and beloved, you belong.”

Southeast MN

Trinity Fellowship

Lutheran (ELCA)


Triple Gem of the North


Twin Cities Wiccan Community (Wiccan Church of Minnesota)

Wiccan & Pagan


United Church of Christ in New Brighton

We are an open-hearted and open-minded worshiping community with stated and demonstrated commitments to being "Open and Affiirming" and to being a "Just Peace" church. We are also committed to economic and racial justice and to ecojustice, and work to understand the intersectionality of all these issues and how we are called to be part of the healing that is needed in this world. All are welcome, as we affirm that all are children of God - no exceptions.


University Baptist Church



White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church

Take Action

Working to elect candidates to advance LGBTQ+, economic, racial, and gender justice. Visit OutFront Minnesota Action to see endorsed candidates and learn about critical state races.

Know your elected officials and contact them to let them know that LGBTQ+ equity matters to you!

Sign up for updates from the Policy & Organizing department to hear about opportunities to engage with policy and organizing efforts in the community.