A new document released by the Minnesota Department of Education is forcing gender ideology onto K-12 students and their parents by elevating the claim that biological sex is subordinate to self-declared “gender.”

Minnesota’s new “Toolkit for Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students” upends the common civic understanding, based upon biological science, that there are only two sexes – male and female – and creates an entirely different structure for school relationships that caters to a very small number of troubled gender dysphoric children as it dismisses the needs of the majority of children who accept their biological sex.

More than 200 parents and LGBT activists watched the state education advisory council vote to approve the toolkit, reports the Star Tribune, which described the document as a “nonbinding guide with information about providing welcoming environments for all students and guidelines for school officials to support transgender and gender-nonconforming students.”

Many parents at the meeting said the toolkit overreaches.

“Concerns of gender-conforming students and parents are ignored and dismissed” by the toolkit, said John Helmberger, CEO of the Minnesota Family Council.

“Sadly, this toolkit undermines my authority as a parent,” Joy Orbis also said.

Similarly, parent Barb Anderson said, “The toolkit encourages teachers to teach false conceptions of gender.”

OutFront Minnesota LGBT activists, however, said the toolkit would save lives, drawing on the claim that gender dysphoric children are more likely to be depressed and commit suicide.

by Dr. Susan Berry Breitbart